Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Does any blog anymore?

It has been (...fingers and toes....carry the one...) about a week past 5 years since I blogged. It's been over a decade since Soren and I thought this was a good idea. 

Does anyone blog anymore?

Probably not. It's all Twitter and such. But Google has kept open this platform. Is that because they are too lazy to shut it down? Am I missing out on a great sub-culture of blogging by hanging out on Facebook and Twitter too much?

Anyway, here I am. I don't know why other than to see if I could remember the passwords. I could...obviously. 

Maybe I'll call up my old friend and we can debate why he's voting for Trump and I'm voting for Jorgensen (look her up!). 

Otherwise, see you in five years. (Other than no one reads this.)

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